Mobishield Lock

Special Features

What drives us is finding solutions. We're here to create personalised strategies that help you overcome difficulties and reach your goals. We turn challenges into your path to success, one custom plan at a time.

EMI Alert

Three days before the actual due date, the retailer will notify the customer of their EMI dues and pending payments via text message or WhatsApp.1

EMI Payment History

Retailers can easily access customer EMI payment schedules, including payment dates and days.

Screen Lock

Retailers can boost security by enabling a screen lock using a personal PIN and password.

EMI Scheduler

Customers are expected to make payments on a set date each month, as determined by the retailer.

Easy Payment Gateway

Customers can choose to pay their EMI in cash or by scanning the QR code displayed on their phone's lock screen.

SIM Details

Customers need to provide their SIM card number to the retailer for their new or currently active SIM card.

Media & Outgoing Call Lock

If EMI payment is late, retailers can limit social apps and calls on the customer's phone, giving them control.

Multiple Device Lock

In cases where customers don't make timely EMI payments, retailers can easily lock or unlock multiple devices at once.

Send Advertisements

Let customers know about new arrivals, seasonal promotions, and product updates by sending them ads.